Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Trailer Planning: Making Props

These are the props that I have had to create in order to be used in my trailer. I have had to create a missing poster for Lauren that can be put up on the white board in the evidence room as an example of what the police have put around the city. I have also had to create the note that the murderer has sent to the police threatening to kill Lauren. This will also be seen in the trailer as the detectives read it. I used a website called to create the note to make it look realistic and to enable me to print it from my computer. The other images further down the post are of the board in the detectives office and the door leading to the office. I have had to put together and print certain props including photographs and signs that police would work with in reality. I have done this to make my trailer seem as realistic as possible, something that is often felt within thriller films, adding to the tense mood, making the viewer think that this plot could really happen. 

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