Saturday, 1 November 2014

Magazine Planning: Strapline

The strap-line on my magazine will feature at the top of the cover in the footer. It will be a way of selling the magazine, highlighting what is featuring the magazine or how successful it its. After looking at existing products, I have decided that they strap-line should be short and snappy, grabbing the attention of the audience. Both of these strap-lines are featured in the header of the cover and really sell the magazine's success.

The fonts used on both covers are capitalised and fairly bold, making sure they are see above the masthead and the fact that they are positioned right at the top of the page grabs out attention and is one of the first things we read as we look down the page. On the first image, the words 'preview issue' are highlighted in yellow, bringing it forward from the rest of the line. This is so that before we read the full strap-line, we read these single words. The word 'preview' gives the idea that it is the first glimpse of the film that we will get and seeing 'Harry Potter' will then draw in fans of this film saga, leading them to think that there will be a 'never before seen' preview of 'Harry Potter' in the magazine. The yellow colour also contrasts with the background, allowing the audience to really take note of what it says. The font used on the second image is fairly simple but almost appears to be lit up. This appearance fits in with the actual context of the strap-line, highlighting that it is the 'magazine of the year', something that should be credited. This is a great selling point for the magazine as it tells the audience that it is one of the best out there and that this particular magazine will contain everything they need, hence its good rating.

After taking note of existing products I have decided that my magazine strap-line will be "THE ULTIMATE THRILLER SPECIAL". 

I feel that this fits in well with my magazine as it highlights the main feature; my crime thriller film. It also suggests that my magazine holds everything thriller fans want to know and maybe even more. I will also write the word 'THRILLER' in a different colour to make it stand out and draw the audiences attention before they read the rest of the header. This will help them identify the genre of the film featured on the front and reinforce its themes. It may also make the genre seen strong and powerful; conventional thriller themes. 

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