Monday, 3 November 2014

Poster Planning: Digital Mock Up/Template

This is a digital mock up of my poster that I have created using Photoshop Elements based on my initial hand drawn idea. I may also use this as a template when I come to create my final product and edit the overall look even further. 
I have chosen every element for a reason as I feel that certain things relate to my film and certain aspects including fonts and colours go together well. 

To begin with I have used the font "Digital 7" which I downloaded from for the film title. As this is the largest piece of text I wanted to ensure that it looked good and highlighted part of the narrative. The font is similar to that of a digital clock and within my story line, time is a key factor. This reinforces the narrative and also gives a hint to the audience, even if it is not totally obvious.
The other fonts used on the poster are all fairly plain but bold, meaning they make an impression and advertise everything featured. I have placed the names of the actors starring in the film at the top of the poster as this allows them to be seen first, attracting fans of the actors and making the film seem successful and worth seeing. 
I have chosen to write the words 'coming soon' in red as this makes it stand out and helps the audience identify that it is a new film, building up 'hype' surrounding it. I have also written 'zero' in red as this word has a lot to do with the overall narrative, telling the audience that there is something to do with time or the end in the film, reinforcing the genre and adding the feeling of suspense. 
The overall colours of the poster really highlight the genre that the film falls into as they are dark with a few elements being slightly brighter. The dark colours represent death and fear, something that is expected of a thriller.
I have also included small print at the very bottom of the poster as I want it to look as professional as possible. This includes the names of producers, directors, actors and companies that have been involved in creating the film. Logos can also be seen at the bottom of the page which adds to the idea of success and makes it seem even more real, like it is going to be a blockbuster film.

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