Sunday, 30 November 2014

Trailer Production: 30th Nov

This is the contact sheet of the shots that I have taken on the 30th of November. They are mainly shots of her being stalked by the murderer and her witnessing the murder. This is a big part of the filming done as these are important shots that build up a lot of the trailer.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Trailer Production: Progression

I have now made decent progress with my filming and am at the stage where I can begin putting shots together. The image below shows the shots that I have filmed so far, not including some shots that I filmed spontaneously at the time of filming. I may not use all of these shots but it is likely that I will decided to use some to make my trailer flow better. After the next two filming sessions I will have hopefully completed my filming and the creation of my trailer will have begun.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Trailer Production: 27th Nov

These are the shots I have filmed today, the 27th November. They are of the detectives working with the evidence to find Lauren. I have tried out different angles so I can find the best shot and will now be able to cut each shot to it's best part and begin to put the trailer together.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Trailer Production: 26th Nov

This is the contact sheet from the first day of filming. I have taken all the shots that I planned to take which means I am still on schedule. I will now be able to edit these shots and begin creating my trailer. Ever shot from this shoot is a close up and I decided to do all of these at the same time as they are all in the same location and using the same equipment. I used a tripod to keep the camera still and a torch as a spotlight to highlight the murderers mask.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Poster Production: Final Images

These are the contact sheets from the final shoot for my poster. The only difference from the draft images is that I have taken these current ones on a different coloured background . This will make it easier to edit as I will be able to cut out the model in Photoshop as their costume/hair will not blend in with the colour behind them. 

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Trailer Production: Shooting Schedule

The above image shows the schedule I have produced to help me keep on top of my filming and so I can note when I need to take certain shots. I have colour coded each shot depending on what date I will do the filming. 
The following list specifies each date:
- Orange ~ 26th Nov ~ Morning
- Yellow ~ 27th Nov ~ Afternoon
- Purple ~ 30th Nov ~ Night
- Pink ~4th Dec ~ Morning & Night

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Production: Main Equipment

The camera that I will be using to shoot most of my work will be the Panasonic HC Camcorder which will allow the quality of my work to be fairly high and for the images to be clear. I will also use a Nikon Coolpix L820 still camera to take the images for my poster and magazine cover. This camera also takes high quality shots to add to the professional look of my work. I will use a tripod for the majority of the filming and photography to keep the camera still and at the right height. As much of my filming will be done at night I will also use some lighting to enhance my shots and add a sense of fear to the overall trailer.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Sixth Overview: Pulling My Ideas Together

I have created this presentation as a way of pulling together all of my ideas and briefly highlighting why I have chosen to do certain things. I have covered the trailer, magazine cover and poster throughout the presentation so all of my ideas are in one place. I am now at the stage where I will be able to begin filming my trailer and taking the draft photographs and final photographs for my other two products. Across the whole of this blog I have put together all of my ideas and drafted out the majority of all three promotional products. This presentation has finally put together all of my ideas and summarised each one.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Trailer Planning: Making Props

These are the props that I have had to create in order to be used in my trailer. I have had to create a missing poster for Lauren that can be put up on the white board in the evidence room as an example of what the police have put around the city. I have also had to create the note that the murderer has sent to the police threatening to kill Lauren. This will also be seen in the trailer as the detectives read it. I used a website called to create the note to make it look realistic and to enable me to print it from my computer. The other images further down the post are of the board in the detectives office and the door leading to the office. I have had to put together and print certain props including photographs and signs that police would work with in reality. I have done this to make my trailer seem as realistic as possible, something that is often felt within thriller films, adding to the tense mood, making the viewer think that this plot could really happen. 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Planning: Equipment Checklist

This is the check list that I have put together as a way of organising what I need and so that I know what I must ensure I have before beginning to create my products. This will also help me organise what each actor must bring with them and what I can supply myself.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Trailer Planning: Storyboard and Shot List

I have created a hand drawn story board to make it clear what shots I am to use and where other elements such as transitions and inter-titles will come. It will also help me when filming and putting together my trailer as I will be able to see the basic ordering of the shots. From this, I will also be able to create an animatic using real life stills to show the order in which I will edit my trailer.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Poster Planning: Draft Images

This is the first set of images I have taken for my poster. I am already fairly happy with these images and I have now got an idea of what sorts of shots I will take for my final product. One of the only things I will change is the colour of the background in order to aid me when editing in Photoshop.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Trailer Planning: Locations

The following list is of the locations that I will use within my trailer and where I will need to carry out checks and risk assessments. I will create a report for each location to highlight why I will be using it and why it is suitable for that specific part of the trailer.

-An alley way (where she witnesses the murder)
-A house (where she goes home to report the murder to the police)
-A normal street (when she begins to feel she is being stalked and followed and where she is put into the kidnappers car)
-A bathroom (Where she is kidnapped from)
-The garage (where she is held)
-An office/room (where the detectives work to put together evidence)

Trailer Planning: Script

Monday, 3 November 2014

Poster Planning: Production Companies

As seen in the previous post and the image above, I have included several film companies at the foot of my poster. Before including these I did some basic research into each company to ensure that they would suit the film/trailer I am to put together. 
Firstly, I found that MIRAMAX FILMS, although produce films of a variety of genres, have created and distributed many well known thrillers such as 'SCREAM' and 'DERAILED'. This tells me that they are successful in producing thrillers and have a well known place within the industry. This would help sell my film and add to is success.
Secondly, I researched PARAMOUNT PICTURES. Just from hearing the names of some of their films I have learnt that they are well renowned in the industry for creating fast paced, action packed movies that have become blockbuster hits. They have also worked with well respected names such as 'DWAYNE JOHNSON' and 'MARK WAHLBERG' in creating epic films. 
The last company I have included is VIACOM PICTURES'. I have chosen to include this name as it is a much smaller company compared to others like WARNER BROS and UNIVERSAL. They are known for working with many independent film makers such as myself and help to build their name in the industry. 
On the far right of the footer I have included the BBFC age certificate with the 15 logo. Although this is something that is not included in all film posters, I feel that for a horror or a thriller, the age is important in helping the audience to identify the sort of content that will be shown.

Poster Planning: Digital Mock Up/Template

This is a digital mock up of my poster that I have created using Photoshop Elements based on my initial hand drawn idea. I may also use this as a template when I come to create my final product and edit the overall look even further. 
I have chosen every element for a reason as I feel that certain things relate to my film and certain aspects including fonts and colours go together well. 

To begin with I have used the font "Digital 7" which I downloaded from for the film title. As this is the largest piece of text I wanted to ensure that it looked good and highlighted part of the narrative. The font is similar to that of a digital clock and within my story line, time is a key factor. This reinforces the narrative and also gives a hint to the audience, even if it is not totally obvious.
The other fonts used on the poster are all fairly plain but bold, meaning they make an impression and advertise everything featured. I have placed the names of the actors starring in the film at the top of the poster as this allows them to be seen first, attracting fans of the actors and making the film seem successful and worth seeing. 
I have chosen to write the words 'coming soon' in red as this makes it stand out and helps the audience identify that it is a new film, building up 'hype' surrounding it. I have also written 'zero' in red as this word has a lot to do with the overall narrative, telling the audience that there is something to do with time or the end in the film, reinforcing the genre and adding the feeling of suspense. 
The overall colours of the poster really highlight the genre that the film falls into as they are dark with a few elements being slightly brighter. The dark colours represent death and fear, something that is expected of a thriller.
I have also included small print at the very bottom of the poster as I want it to look as professional as possible. This includes the names of producers, directors, actors and companies that have been involved in creating the film. Logos can also be seen at the bottom of the page which adds to the idea of success and makes it seem even more real, like it is going to be a blockbuster film.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Fifth Overview

I have now got to the point in my planning where I can take a look at the locations I am hoping to use to check their suitability and do a risk assessment. Without doing this I am likely to face problems when I am ready to film and need to ensure that each location is available and I will not be going against any restrictions. I am also at the point where I will need to create a storyboard/animatic of the ordering of my trailer to give me a basic idea of suitable camera shots and how they look in the locations. Along with this, I need to write a film script for the whole of my trailer, including everything that will be shown such as the characters, settings, stage directions etc. 
I am currently using software such as MS Word, MS Powerpoint, Slideshare and Prezi in order to plan my work and post on to this blog but will begin using other programs including Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements in order to create my final products.

Magazine Planning: Cover Mise-En-Scene

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Trailer Planning: Chosen Film Distributor


Icon was formed in 1999 and is one of the most leading film distribution company in the UK. The company distributes a variety of films of different genres but the majority are of the horror and thriller genre.

This is one of the reasons that I believe the company is suitable for distributing my film as it is experienced with the genre and would know how to successful sell my film.
They have produced films including '30 Days Of Night' and 'Open Graves' which contain action and fast paced editing, much like my film does. This would enable the company to support me with my film and help it become successful once released.

I also feel that the company would be willing to take on my film as they are experienced with the genre and feel knowledgeable within the area.

Magazine Planning: Strapline

The strap-line on my magazine will feature at the top of the cover in the footer. It will be a way of selling the magazine, highlighting what is featuring the magazine or how successful it its. After looking at existing products, I have decided that they strap-line should be short and snappy, grabbing the attention of the audience. Both of these strap-lines are featured in the header of the cover and really sell the magazine's success.

The fonts used on both covers are capitalised and fairly bold, making sure they are see above the masthead and the fact that they are positioned right at the top of the page grabs out attention and is one of the first things we read as we look down the page. On the first image, the words 'preview issue' are highlighted in yellow, bringing it forward from the rest of the line. This is so that before we read the full strap-line, we read these single words. The word 'preview' gives the idea that it is the first glimpse of the film that we will get and seeing 'Harry Potter' will then draw in fans of this film saga, leading them to think that there will be a 'never before seen' preview of 'Harry Potter' in the magazine. The yellow colour also contrasts with the background, allowing the audience to really take note of what it says. The font used on the second image is fairly simple but almost appears to be lit up. This appearance fits in with the actual context of the strap-line, highlighting that it is the 'magazine of the year', something that should be credited. This is a great selling point for the magazine as it tells the audience that it is one of the best out there and that this particular magazine will contain everything they need, hence its good rating.

After taking note of existing products I have decided that my magazine strap-line will be "THE ULTIMATE THRILLER SPECIAL". 

I feel that this fits in well with my magazine as it highlights the main feature; my crime thriller film. It also suggests that my magazine holds everything thriller fans want to know and maybe even more. I will also write the word 'THRILLER' in a different colour to make it stand out and draw the audiences attention before they read the rest of the header. This will help them identify the genre of the film featured on the front and reinforce its themes. It may also make the genre seen strong and powerful; conventional thriller themes. 

Magazine Planning: Colour Scheme

Magazine Planning: Why I Have Chosen My Coverline