Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Pre-Evaluation: Focus Group Questions

Focus Group Questions: Gaining Feedback On My Poster And Magazine Cover

  1. What elements of my products fit in with the thriller genre?
  2. What do you like about the products?
  3. Do you feel there is anything I could have done differently?
  4. Do you feel that the colours I have used fit in with the thriller genre?
  5. Do all of the products tie in together and work as a package? Why/Why not?
I have put these questions together to gain some overall feedback on my print work. I feel that the questions I have chosen will give me any information that I need to know to help me when evaluating my work. I am happy that the questions will tell me whether the products are successful from the point of view of my audience.

Pre-Evaluation: Feedback On My Final Work (Focus Group)

Pre-Evaluation: Feedback On My Final Trailer

Monday, 5 January 2015


This is my final trailer. I have used to feedback that I gained from my target audience to help me with minor things that may have needed altering. I have since added the rating screen, the distribution company logo, a non-digetic scream and sped up the later part of the trailer. This has ensured that my trailer suits my target audience and has a professional feel to it.



Sunday, 4 January 2015

Pre-Evaluation: Feedback On All Of My Products

After I had created all of my products I asked somebody of my target audience for feedback on what they thought. I used a sheet so they could tick off what they saw in my products and what they thought was missing. This was useful as I was able to see what they thought could be added to my products, especially my trailer. As I had spare time, I then went back to my trailer and re-opened it in Premier, adding anything that was missing the first time round. This included the rating screen and the distribution company logo. I found this really helpful as it allowed me to better my work.